Month: January 2024


4 Revolutionary Uses for Google Glass

Business Ever since it was announced in 2011, the world has not stopped talking about Google Glass, the latest state-of-the-art device which allows users to wear their computers, viewing and communicating with the Internet hands-free. The futuristic eyewear is already being tested and enjoyed by developers around the world before it becomes available to the […]

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Healthcare – The NHS and Private Sector

Healthcare – The NHS and Private Sector Healthcare is something that all of us will need at some point in our lives and within the UK there are two ways of going about getting the treatment that you need. You have a choice between using the state run service in the form of the NHS […]

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Wheelchair friendly holiday accommodation reviews

Wheelchair friendly holiday accommodation reviews We found our first disabled holiday accommodation abroad by accident on the internet and took the risk, which turned out to be lucky. Our son Christopher is a disabled wheelchair user, and we now love to go on holiday, but were frightened for many years. While looking for our next […]

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