

Obtaining a wheelchair with

Obtaining a wheelchair After the incident of me falling and knocking myself unconscious, at Spurs ground and realising that very few places keep spare wheelchairs. I decided to get my own wheelchair. I could not believe how expensive they were. First Call Mobility, in Harlow, were very helpful and told me to get my doctor […]

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Patient with new dental implants

Ceilling hoist for bed access with

Ceilling hoist for bed access I have just been moved into another Bungalow. The previous resident was also an MS sufferer who sadly died at Christmas. She had a hoist fitted to lift her from her wheelchair, up, along and down into bed. The proper harnesses are cleverly designed to come round the persons back, […]

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Buying a Wheelchair Lift for the Home

Buying a Wheelchair Lift for the Home For those people who are immobilized for some reason or another getting around is an arduous task. Many of us do not realize how precious it is to freely roam, walk, run, climb stairs and be able to have access to various parts of our home. Things can […]

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Travelling can still be enjoyable.

Travelling can still be enjoyable. All of us like travelling, it is an enjoyable experience and an enriching one too, provided the circumstances are good and all the necessary arrangements have been made in the right order. Travelling has many associated issues. By now, we all should understand that airport security is a big issue […]

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event in Bristol

Can Hearing Aids Improve Your Sex Life It’s Never Sounded So Good!

Can Hearing Aids Improve Your Sex Life It’s Never Sounded So Good! With millions of people in the United States experiencing hearing loss, it is extremely surprising that very few actually wear hearing aids. While the expense of obtaining a pair or the image concerns might be a hindrance to some, they probably do not […]

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How to Choose Aspergers Schools

How to Choose Aspergers Schools Choosing the right school for any child can be stressful; finding one for your child with Aspergers can be almost too frightening. Every child deserves a good education and the law provides that children with disabilities such as Aspergers be educated with teachers trained in handling such disabilities in practice; […]

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Life and Health: Developmental Disorders

Life and Health: Developmental Disorders In 2007 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that 1 in 150 eight – year – old children in the United States has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This shocking life and health statistic spurred a barrage of debates: are the elevated numbers simply the result of improved […]

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