What if Someone You Loved Died?

What if Someone You Loved Died?
I’m an absolute sucker for sad movies. They make me cry every time, even the kid’s ones. I think that is why they are called ‘Tearjerkers’. Maybe it is just because I hate seeing people suffer but they always seem so real to me. I think the thing that gets me is the feeling of ‘what if that was me?’

I was trying to decide between ‘Into the Wild’ which is more of a drama/adventure and ‘PS I Love You’ which is a love story. I’m not usually a very ‘lovey-dovey’ type of person and I tend to go for drama more often than not but this time, my friend put her foot down and we went to see ‘PS I Love You’.

The acting wasn’t award quality and the scenario wasn’t altogether realistic but you know what, I could not have cared less. It seemed so real to me it would not have been any more genuine if the actors popped out of the screen before my eyes.

‘PS I Love You’ is about Holly Kennedy (Hillary Swank). Just shy of her 30th birthday, Holly’s passionate, funny, and impetuous Irishman husband Gerry passes away of a brain tumour. Holly locks herself at home replaying Gerry’s answering machine voice until a cake arrives on the day of her 30th birthday with a recording of Gerry’s voice. The recording explains that before his death, Gerry wrote letters to Holly, that would arrive in their own time and she should just do what he says,’ because the truth is, I am just not ready to let go yet? PS I love you’.

I don’t think I have ever cried so much in a movie. Even the man next to me was starting to sniffle. Holly walks around during the majority of the movie looking stunned and miserable and you can’t help sympathizing. Each time a letter arrived, Gerry’s voice can be heard and sometimes he appears.

Once each letter is read through and ‘PS I love you’, Gerry quietly disappears again. Every time he leaves even the audience feels alone, it is utterly gut wrenching. The movie shows their good times together, how they met, where they went. Between each happy memory from the past, Holly is somewhere, feeling alone and just waiting for Gerry to walk through the door again. Every letter pushes Holly to move on further with her life, to gently let Gerry go and then to help her rediscover herself and her passion for life.

I left this movie asking: What if that was my daughter whose husband had died? Would I do and say the same things as this mother? If I was Holly, how would I feel? What would I do to make it better? Would I move on? Would I find love again? If I had died so young like Gerry, would I die with no regrets like him, having loved someone so much?

I think in the end, the best we can do is tell the people that we love, that we love them. And do our best to live our lives the best that we know how. Because when our loved ones die, we cannot change anything, we cannot bring them back by grieving forever, we can only cope, heal and find peace with ourselves.

About the author:
Tsoof and Eden love to download full movies from the Internet.


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